Friday, May 25, 2007

Omega Beta Gamma

I was warned that when I started my OB/Gyn rotation that the residents were all gossipy and back biters. I heard that it was essentially like living through 6 weeks of some perverted sorority; the Omega Beta Gamma sorority, if you will.

I honestly can't say that's been my experience so far. I've worked with several residents, and while I have noticed that they are far more focused on their education than mine, I can't say it's been what I was expecting.

One resident, who is pregnant with twins, I have come to notice treats all encounters with medical students the same. She makes a few basic assumptions. 1) Each medical student encounter is the first time she has worked with that medical student. Today, after working with her sporadically over the past 2 weeks, she introduced herself to me and asked how long I'd been on the rotation. 2) All medical students are on their first rotation. Despite realizing that I had been to the OR with her before, I again got a lecture about how blue things are sterile and you sew in to out and then out to in. She also took my job everytime the chief resident asked me to do anything during the operation. I'm not helpless and can suture. The ones I did looked better than hers in the end anyway, despite her having to double check every aspect of how I had tied the knot. 3) Medical students do not understand medical theory. I may not know everything, especially about the eccentricites of gynecology, but I'm not stupid. If anything, my knowledge base is something that carries me through the other aspects of medical school.

The big down side is how little time we spend on each team. In order to get us out to clinic (which in my opinion is of little educational value) they pared down our time on gynecology and obstetrics to two weeks each. Now that I have the hang of the gynecology service and just what I need to do to stand out (in a good way of course), I am being shuffled off to the obstetrics team on Monday. Hopefully that one requires a little less scut, but I'm not keeping my hopes up too high.

1 comment:

Tiny Shrink said...

As much as I love the OR, I felt that the gyn part of the rotation wasn't heavy on learning. After all, there won't be any questions about anterior repair on the exam. I know your opinion of clinic in general, but jail clinic was probably one of the best places for learning a lot of the stuff that would be on the exam.

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